
Course : Spring

Spring Course Details:
  • Inversion of Control design principle
  • Spring Dependency Injection Features
  • Wiring of beans
  • Event Driven Processing and Application Listeners
  • Bean lifecycle
  • Spring AOP Features
  • Autoproxing
  • Spring DAO
  • Integration with hibernate
  • Spring Transaction


Spring Details:
Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for developing Java applications. Spring handles the infrastructure so you can focus on your application. Spring enables you to build applications from “plain old Java objects” (POJOs) and to apply enterprise services non-invasively to POJOs. This capability applies to the Java SE programming model and to full and partial Java EE. Examples of how you, as an application developer, can use the Spring platform advantage: Make a Java method execute in a database transaction without having to deal with transaction APIs. Make a local Java method a remote procedure without having to deal with remote APIs. Make a local Java method a management operation without having to deal with JMX APIs. Make a local Java method a message handler without having to deal with JMS APIs. Inversion-of-Control is called IoC for short. IoC “is a concept, and an associated set of programming techniques, in which the control flow is inverted compared to the traditional interaction model expressed in imperative style by a series of procedure calls.” In other words, the framework calls the procedures created by the programmer, rather than programmer calling the procedures or methods of the framework. IoC is also known as the “Hollywood Principle.” The Hollywood Principle says “Don’t call me, I will call you.” IoC is used to ‘inject’ dependencies at runtime. When one uses this pattern, the dependencies of a particular object are not satisfied at compile time. Instead, the framework provides the required dependencies to the object at runtime. Thus, this pattern releases the programmer from the chore of providing all the dependencies at compile time.